Friday 6 July 2012

  Two Tuesdays back which was June 26, was my birthday. That was my 16 teeth birthday meaning the magic begins which was MY SWEET 16. I didn't really fall for that magic sweet 16, all of my friends at school were going extremely WILD WILD over me because of that magical sweet 16, but I was just happy because it was my birthday and I turned 16 not SWEET 16. Yes I did have a family party, not anything like inviting  friends over to party and have fun with the birthday boy because that is total SILLINESS. I don't fall for inviting friends over at all, I just hangout with the people that I am always with which is my closets people who are my mom and dad and my younger brother and younger sister. It was a really fun day to celebrate my birthday we had a BIG dinner meal with awseome chicken wings and later at the end the best part the dessert witch was a "TRUFFLE ROYALE" cake. That cake was the top of the line of all of the desserts that I have ever eaten in my entire life. Later in the day, my family and I were at the part that I was going to open up my gift, and the gift that I have received from my great loving family was a FOSSOL pure leather messenger bag, that's what I have asked my parents to buy me for my upcoming birthday months before & of corse I got on what I have asked for. That purse leather bag is SO GREAT because it's leather on which makes it WAY ahead better from all of the other regular messenger bags because leather is a type of material that if you take really good care of it by Brushing it back and forth with special leather materials it will last a lot longer than any other messenger or brief bag material like for example polyurethane, which is a lot worse and way less valuable than PURE LEATHER bags or GENUINE LEATHER bags which is the exact same type of pure leather as the brief case that I got for my 16 birthday. The company of my brief case i called FOSSOL which globally regard as one of of the top of the line PURE LEATHER bag manufacturers.  I highly regard in this bag brand a lot.

    Other important things have appeared on the same day as my past sweet 16 birthday,  which was the ultimate GRADE 8 GRADUATION. Last time in elementary school remembering all of your past eight years including JK and SK.  Heading toward the higher level which is called High school. High school will be a lot tougher but better for you than compared to elementary school. All of it will be zero recess, one hour period of break, way more friends than previously in elementary school that you had, way more options and clubs to do after school, but best of all being more independent. All of the graduates were given their diplomas, family pictures saying good bye to each other of your best friends or top amiss, being well dressed in dresses and suits or tuxedos with sharp cologne. All of us have stayed up to 11PM dancing the horrible songs that barely make any sense or don't barely any pride or glory or even feelings in them at like Justin Beiber, kathy Perry, Mikiy Minaj, LMFAO, EMINEM, & all other bottom of the line musical songs that have just at the beginning or maybe a bit before 2000, like in maybe 1990 I would say, ay all of those horrible ZERO feelings bands and musical artist with ZERO complete talent compared toward the 60s, 80s, & 40s bands and all of the time musical artists like U2, BEEE GEES, THE BEADLES, PINK FLOYD, MILOS DAVIS, LED-ZEPPLIN, ROLLING STONES,  ANDREA BOCELLI, ERIC CLAPTON, CARLOS GARNETT, FRANK SINATRA, IT DIVO, JEAN-MICHEL JARRE, JULIO IGLESIAS, LEONARD COHEN, OTTMAR LIEBERT, PAUL POTTS, SADE, SIMON & GARFUNKEL,  & top of the line PHIL COLLINS the best drummer and singer combined together. Another event that has occurred on the same day as my 16th birthday plus grade eight graduation plus which was also my principal's birthday, which was really a total luck that just come out of nowhere. That's how great that day as gown by, especially saying good by toward our best friends who we have spent eight years with, but that is alright because I am a type of person that everybody near me wants to a have talk to me about almost every, so it doesn't barely even matter if you are poor, rich smart, un-smart, goofy, intelligent, or even sarcastic because all that matters is that I will let you shave talk with me about anything that you are wishing about to talk about with me.

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